Perp DexFork ProtocolChainsNotes
UniDexNativeAll chainsThese Pools get routed to 1st
GMXv1NativeARB/AVAXCurrently running trading incentives
GMXv2NativeARB/AVAXCurrently running trading incentives
HyperliquidNativeARB/HLL1User bridges to Hyperliquid L1 from ARB
Gains TradeNativeARB/POLYOnly available through the SDK (v6.4.3 soon)
SNXv2NativeOPOnly available through the SDK (SNXv3 soon)
MUXGMXv1ARB/AVAX/BSC/OP/FTMCurrently running trading incentives
BMXGMXv1BASECurrently running trading incentives
MorphexGMXv1BSC/FTMCurrently running trading incentives
LVLv1GMXv1ARB/BSCOnly available through the SDK (LVLv2 soon)